The Most Underused Resources for a CFI
LiveATC is a well known website that records pilot communications with ATC. While entertaining, it is a fantastic learning tool. Students frequently struggle and become intimidated when learning aviation communications. Listening to recordings on LiveATC will help a lot. Routine communications can get boring, so be sure to point out the “interesting recordings” page on the left side-bar.
PlaneEnglish App
PlaneEnglish is a well-rated app available on both the Apple and Google Play App Store. It is an interactive aviation radio simulator that offers self-guided learning. It teaches both proper aviation phraseology and procedures for VFR and IFR students. Users report the app makes a huge difference. Consequently, they learn faster and better than trial-by-fire in the air.
MIT Private Pilot Ground School
Students may look for an at-home ground schools to supplement their ground instruction. While there are several options available for sale, MIT offers a free workshop. It aims to prepare students for the FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test. Topics include airplane aerodynamics, systems, navigation, meteorology, ownership and maintenance, performance, multi-engine and jets. There are video lectures, lecture notes, and links to text resources. Your students will appreciate an extra free option before they spend more money on ground school training.
Luis Moneteiro VOR Simulator
While VORs are going away, who knows when the FAA will stop test questions on them. This is an interactive, online simulator compatible in most browsers with Flash. VORs can be difficult to understand. This simulator gives us the necessary visuals and tools to grasp the concepts. Also, the site has more resources, including a pitot/static and navigation simulator. So, students can learn and discover on their own, without the Hobbs meter running.
The FAA offers a large amount of free resources and publications that should not be ignored. Specifically, their large course catalog. Browse and preview courses that can be completed in several sessions. Courses cover VFR basics, medical questions, and accident case studies. There is even a runway safety pilot simulator.
ASRS Callback
While every pilot knows about ASRS to cover our butts, few know about the award winning CALLBACK publication. It is a monthly safety newsletter, that includes de-identified ASRS report excerpts. A supporting commentary follows in a popular “lessons learned” format. All in all, it is a great resource to learn from other pilots’ mistakes.